
       2016年,我和蒲老师在当时的K1518班一时兴起举办了首届《陈情表》英译大赛,那时觉得应该也是最后一届了。两年过去了,我和蒲老师依然是同在团委的战友,却不教同一个班了,可有什么关系呢,第二届依然圆满落幕了。我想,只要我和蒲老师都在,这个比赛就可以延续下去吧,第三届、第四届、很多届… …(此处手动@蒲老师:让我们高举双手合力扛起这面大旗)
当前浏览器不支持播放音乐或语音,请在微信或其他浏览器中播放 一个像夏天一个像秋天 范玮琪 – 我们的纪念日 –>


When I was young, I was living with many diseases. I’m too sick to walk while I’m nine. I’m always lonely until being an adult.
When I was young, I was always sick;
When I was nine, I even couldn’t walk;
When I grew up, I am still alone.
When I was young, the illness always follow me around,
Even when I was nine, I can’t walk or run.
I was so lonely and didn’t know what I can,
Years go by until I become a man.
When nine years old, with lots of diseases, I was hard to walk, dangerously, horribly, sadly, lonely, until I was an adult.
Alone,alone, walking alone onlywith my shadow.
Live alone, feel lonely.
How lonely I’m. Luckily, I have my shadow.
Living alone, comfort by own.
Live with no one, body and shadow careabout each other.
So lonely, because of living without any support.
Just body and shadow care each other.
Living lonely, with my body and shadow comforting each other.
Live with the lonely heart, rely on my dark shadow.
Facing the fate with loneliness, having a hug with meself.

(别人在橘子洲晒太阳,我和蒲老师在橘子洲改作业… …)

Whatever I acceptor not, my situation will be so embarrassing.
Go back or go straight, it’s truly hard to say.
Can’t go ahead, can’t go back, I’m so sad.
Forward or back, that’s a question.
(To be or not to be, that’s a question. 此时李密心中的纠结也不亚于哈姆雷特吧。)
I want to go, there is a wolf ahead.
I want to back, the tiger is watching me(behind).
My grandma is going to die,
Just like the fallen sunshine,
Hard breath, short life,
Day can’t forecast night.
If grandmother didn’t raise me in the past, I couldn’t be living until today. 
If I can’t look after my grandmother now, she won’t enjoy her remain life.
Now I don’t know what should I do, and what I can do.
Without my grandmother, I can’t achieve who I am, without me, I can’t imagine how my grandmother would be.
If I live without my grandmother, I can’t live nowadays.
If my grandmother live without me, she can’t live nextdays.
If I hadn’t have my grandmother, Iwould have die in my teens.
If my grandmother didn’t have me,she would die in her olds.
If I don’t have my grandmother, I can’t grow up till today.
If my grandmother doesn’t have me, she will not travel happily towards the end of life.
Without her love, I can’t get there.
Without my support, what her life will be.
Without grandmother, I can’t stay here.
Without me, grandmother can’t stay there.

I am fourty-four,my grandmother is ninety-six.
The time for you is long, but it is short for my grandmother.
My sadness, it’s not a thing only someone knows, it is one of the universal truths.
If I live, I will die for you;
If I die, I will still thank you.

